Manicz Media

WATCH: Google to Phase Out Cookies & What This Means For The Advertising Industry

Google is planning to do away with third party cookies and trackers often utilized by data aggregators and advertising agencies. What does this mean for the ad industry?

  1. With limited cookies, pixels and tracking outside of Google’s own ad network, there will be less consumer demographic and interest data to utilize for advertising.

  2. Consumer sentiment of how their online data is utilized is increasingly negative. Consumers are growing leery of how their data is used and which advertisers are buying their data.

  3. Ad agencies and advertisers who do not “future proof” the way they reach desired audiences now may be caught off guard in the near future.

  4. Advertisers will need to look at new ways to reach consumers through innovative audience ad serving platforms like Manicz Media.

Manicz Media recognized these shortcomings in the industry and is taking a different approach to digital advertising. Utilizing targeting solutions that are approved by CCPA, GDPR and other data safety and privacy regulations as well as leveraging Ad Block Bypass tools, Manicz Media is limiting wasted ad dollars and ensuring only engaged consumers are served with brands' advertising.

Learn more at Manicz Media dot com

Contact Manicz Media today to talk with one of our digital strategists about how to "future proof" your digital advertising campaigns.