Manicz Media

Case Study: Promote Enrollment Utilizing Student Database and 1st Party Data

655 Total Conversions Including:

107 Enrollment Applications and 215 Requests for More Info.

Utilized College Student Database to Target Engaged Segments

A college in California was looking to promote their 8-week Fall mid-semester program and fill open spots in the program within eleven days of the semester start. With such a tight deadline, Manicz Media recommended utilizing the campus CRM directory of students who had expressed interest in the college and their expedited program and utilizing that database for enhanced targeting of digital ad messaging.

Advertising Goals:

  • Drive online enrollments in the 8-week mid-semester program.

  • Reach prospective students who had expressed interest in the program and in the college.

Manicz Media delivered over 100 enrollment applications!

Manicz Media Approach:

To achieve these goals, Manicz Media utilized the college CRM database of students who had requested info and/or contacted the school with interest in the 8-week semester program. The database was made up of nearly 37,000 individuals from the previous year who had contacted the school and requested info but had not enrolled in the expedited semester program. This CRM student data is 1st party data that utilizes no cookies and is typically the most accurate and effective targeting approach for digital advertising.

Leveraging this database, a display and retargeting media approach was implemented. Additionally, Manicz Media utilized conversion tracking to facilitate transparency and true paid media success.

Campaign Results:

From a media performance standpoint, the eleven day campaign delivered 290,307 ad impressions and 382 clicks (0.13% CTR). The campaign exclusively targeted the college CRM database of students.

Conversion tracking showed interest in info on multiple campuses and programs offered by the school. There were 655 total conversions with 107 applications and 215 requests for more info.

While this targeted approach fulfilled the goals of the college, an expanded omnichannel approach, including CRM targeting, is highly recommended to maximize engagement.

The college continues to partner with Manicz Media for enrollment growth and awareness campaigns.

Contact Manicz Media today to learn more about our unique audience targeting methods and engagement focused campaigns.

Manicz Media respects the data and privacy of all our clients. No client identifiable data can be shared but references are available upon request.