Manicz Media

Case Study: Financial Credit Union

Updated: Mar 18, 2022

A credit union based in the Midwest was looking to improve the way they reached new customers while protecting and respecting their private data. The financial organization wanted to reach interested potential customers online and encourage new loan applications, as well as general banking services (new checking, savings accounts). Prior advertising campaigns were difficult to track due to the online signups system being hosted by a 3rd party (Meridian Link) and any online applications could not easily be attributed to digital advertising campaigns.

Advertising Goals:

  • Increase Online Loan Applications

  • Increase New Account Sign Ups

  • General Branding and Awareness

Manicz Media Approach:

To achieve these goals, Manicz Media utilized On-Demand Targeting to reach consumers based on the following criteria:

  1. Have done online searches for loans, rates, and banking services

  2. Reside within 10 miles of Credit Union’s 30 branches

  3. Has visited banking and finance sites that speak to banking comparisons and loan requirements. This includes Nerd Wallet, Market Watch, Investopedia and Wise Bread.

A comprehensive media approach was utilized including banners, pre-roll video, native advertising, and Connected TV. Segmented Retargeting was utilized to serve messaging to consumers based on the types of messages they received and how they engaged with those creatives.

Campaign Results:

From a media performance standpoint, over 6,350,000 ad impressions were served during this 3 month campaign. There were over 30,000 new website visitors to the campaign landing pages. Native advertising drove the most web traffic with over 11,000 clicks to the site.

Event Tracking was utilized on Apply for Loan Button

Manicz Media also created an event tracker in the Credit Union’s Google Analytics. This event tracker was placed on the “Apply for a Loan” and “Open an Account” buttons. This allowed for attribution tracking of users who clicked on digital advertising messaging, made it to the Credit Union site and then eventually clicked on the loan or account button to begin the sign up process. Utilizing the event trackers allowed for meaningful campaign reporting when previously no conversions or engagement metrics were ever utilized.

There were over 320 loan applications started and over 250 new account application started.

The Credit Union continues to partner with Manicz Media for new loan promotions and most recently began developing outreach strategies specific to online banking services.

Contact Manicz Media today to learn more about our unique audience targeting methods and engagement focused campaigns.

Manicz Media respects the data and privacy for all our clients. No client identifiable data can be shared but references are available upon request.