Manicz Media

4 Ways to Stay Competitive by Using Video Advertising

Updated: Nov 11, 2019

Online video advertising is taking over and advertisers need to have skin in the game to stay competitive. According to PwC, online advertising and especially pre-roll video advertising through Google (YouTube) and Facebook is projected to hit $160 billion by 2023 up from $107 billion in 2018. Soon, with the emergence of 5G wireless technology, these ad spend trends are likely to increase.

1. Develop video content with a variety of lengths and messages.

Video is one of the most engaged with mediums online. Most posts that include video advertising tend to see more likes, comments, shares and retention. As a brand or business, look to create videos that are 2-3 minutes in length that can be embedded on blog pages and shared on YouTube. From those 2-3 minute videos look to create :30, :15 and even :06 second advertisement spots that can be utilized on YouTube Instream Advertising. Benefit from your long form video and recycle your assets to produce both quality and quantity of usable content.

2. Know how to measure the success of a video advertisement campaign.

Video advertising is different compared to paid search, banner advertising and most of direct response digital advertising methods. Video should be utilized as a branding and awareness tool. Utilize video pre-roll messaging to showcase what sets your organization apart and how it can benefit the target consumer. Video advertising usually has the lowest direct conversion rate compared to other digital tactics and most video advertising reports include impressions, total video views, clicks, click through rate and video view duration. That said, if you have funds available in your marketing budget, video can set you apart from the competition.

Video advertising is a great branding and awareness tool!

3. You don't need a Hollywood production to create engaging video content.

An often voiced concern from marketers to Manicz Media, "I don't have the budget to create a video advertisement". The truth is, depending on your products or service, a simple recording where you explain what makes your organization different can be even more powerful than a full blown video production. A simple video can often be seen as more authentic and "down to Earth" than larger productions. That said, ensuring video quality is crisp and the content is engaging will be the most important parts of the process!

4. Engage within the first 3 seconds

YouTube and most other video distribution platforms are making more of their video placements "skippable" where a consumer is presented with the option to click a button that bypasses the video ad after the first 5 seconds. It is often a best practice to convey the immediate point of your advertisement within the first 3 seconds to encourage users to watch the full length. This can be achieved by editing in the most important points of the message to the very beginning of the ad and encouraging the viewer to continue watching. Many Hollywood movie trailers are producing a short 3-5 second teaser before their main 3 minute trailer begins in order to entice the viewer and prevent the skipping of the video.

Digital advertising and specifically video is here to stay. Stand out among your competitors by producing informative and engaging video content that can be utilized on your website, social channels and in your video advertising strategy. Contact Manicz Media today and speak with one of our digital strategist to help you get started with your video ad campaign.